Energetic Pendant is made of high quality Titanium, embedded with GROUNDED Energetic Chips.
Regulate the Qi of the whole body
It is designed to last for years, and no replacement of GROUNDED Chip is required.

Grounded Functional Performance
All you need to do is just put it on! That's simple, isn't it?
Yes! Just wear it or simply place it close to the body.

(Both Black Rope [adjustable] and Stainless Steel Necklace are 60cm in length)

【膻中穴】位于胸部两乳头连线的中点,平第四肋间处。 膻中具有宽胸理气、活血通络、清肺止喘、舒畅心胸等功能。 《黄帝内经》认为“气会膻中”,也就是说膻中可调节人体全身的气机。 此外,膻中是任脉、足太阴脾经、足少阴肾经、手太阳小肠经、手少阳经三焦经的交会穴,也是宗气聚会之处。
【Tanzhong】【膻中穴】acupoint is located at the midpoint of the connecting line between the two nipples of the chest and at the fourth intercostal space. 【Tanzhong】 has the functions of broadening the chest and regulating Qi 【气】, promoting blood circulation and unblocking collaterals, clearing the lungs and stopping asthma, and relaxing the heart and chest.
【The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine】
《黄帝内经》 holds that "the Qi will be in the Tanzhong", that is to say, the【Tanzhong】can regulate the Qi of the whole body. In addition,【Tanzhong】is the intersection of 【Renmai】任脉, foot Taiyin spleen meridian, foot Shaoyin kidney meridian, hand Taiyang small intestine meridian, hand Shaoyang meridian and Sanjiao meridian. It is also the gathering place of Zongqi 【宗气】.
Being GROUNDED rejuvenate one’s mind and body; allowing Chi to flow naturally and minimizes the negative interference around us.
It opens up oneself to tap into the universal Chi and engage in natural healing; where tension levels drop; peace and serenity enter; healing eventually takes place.

In Traditional Chinese culture, ‘Chi’ is an invisible force that flows through the body. When Chi becomes disturbed, blocked, stagnant, imbalanced or depleted, illness begins to take form.
The Chi we receive daily varies in frequency. When we are not grounded, it limits the positive frequencies we could receive even though its presence has always been in the same space as life forms.
GROUNDED products are designed to harmonize our mind, body and help to regulate our body to an optimal level; translates into higher throughput and efficiency, allowing one to operate with an overall greater sense of well being.